Monday, December 17, 2012

Confectionary Angel

(Ring, ring, ring, ring) "Hello! Heaven's Hot line.  How may I help you"?
Me: Yes, I would like to speak to my mother-in law, Reta Gardner, please!
Saint Peter's Uptight Assistant:  She is not available to take your call right now.  We are extremely busy this time of year in the "Holy of  Holy's" kitchen. Can I take a message?
Me:  Yes, please tell her that I miss her dearly and I need to know her secret to making divinity.  Thanks!..Oh and one more thing...could you send her guiding angel for support?  I need all the help I can get while I attempt to create this yummy form of confectionary delight.  THANKS!!!

1 comment:

  1. awe :) my little betty crocker! your m.i.l. sent me a holy message today saying she is so proud of you and your cookin! you amaze her in all that you do as a homemaker, wife, mother, friend, and most of all, daughter-in-law. she is on your shoulder watching you make that divine divinity with one hand, while holding a bud light in the other :)

    love you!!!

    p.s. she also wanted me to tell you to always wear a hair net. ginger hair is not the same ingredient as ginger spice
