Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Dreaded Condiment Clean Out

Seriously!  How do I save myself from myself!?  As if I don't have enough to do right before Christmas, I choose to tackle the dreaded, slimmy, crude encrusted condiments that have dominion over my fridge.  You all know exactly what the heck I am talking about.  You have your basic condies that don't ever expire because you use them all the time such as mustard, mayo, salad dressing and ketchup.  Then there is the condies that you break out when company comes a calling like pickles, olives and salsa.  BUT the most maddening of them all... the condi that is needed for that one special recipe you have been dying to try which requires you to buy a whole damn jar of the stuff for one measly tablespoon that supposedly provides the "WOW" factor to the recipe.
So, here in lies the INSANITY...more than likely you won't ever use this particular condi again because the dish you created was a big, fat FAIL but by gawd you don't dare throw it away because it cost money therefore you feverishly search the Internet to find another recipe where this rare and precious condi can by used again, RIGHT?  WRONG!  You just end up leaving it in the fridge until it expires.  Then and only then do you feel justified in finally being able to toss it without hesitation or guilt, RIGHT?   OH HELL NO!  Now another problem has been created!!  In my sick lil mind I am thinking of how I can re purpose these jars.  Hmmmm...  perhaps I will start making my own spices because those would make great containers for that or maybe some home brewed moonshine???  Oh boy!  My head is spinning from the endless possibilities these condi containers could provide but then reality reaches up and punches me in the face and reminds me, "this is why you have recycling dumb ass"!  Phew!  Once again I am saved from myself!!


  1. LMAO!!!! Oh my hell Amie!! Did you grow up in the depression?!?!? I can totally relate to your "saving" addiction. I am currently working through mine. Step one is to admit it is an sick, uncontrollable, psychological addiction.
    Step two is to ask yourself, "would saving this [whatever it is] complete any emptiness I have in my life?" and the answer is always NO. Step three, if the answer is NO in any questions you ask yourself regarding a bottle of pickled anything, then throw the shit away and look at it as a purge of life clutter. There will be an immediate twinge of feeling irresponsible, then a feeling of relief and freedom.

    Isn't it funny how a condiment can make life so complex????

    your hoarding sister from anotha mister

  2. OMG Amie! I feel the same way! My condiments are out of control INSANE! I damn many different kinds of hot sauce does one household need? Ugh. You make me laugh so hard.
