Thursday, August 23, 2012


For those of you who know me best......spur of the moment situations are way out of my comfort zone.  I hadn't planned on going to the Jam since my bestie wasn't going to be able to come but some of my local amigos thought differently.  They rustled up a free ticket and told me I was going no "if's and but's about it!  So, here I am stressed out because I don't really have a game plan.  My camper isn't packed and I don't know what to wear.   This will be the first time we have used our new/used camper.  Mike can't go(he is saving all is vacation time for Ireland)so I am flying solo on this gig.  I am slightly freaked out but I know Mark and Chris will take care of the logistics of getting me level so that when I sleep the blood doesn't rush to my head.  (Eyes closed, deep breath) I can do this!  I think I can, I think I can!  See ya after the JAM! 

1 comment:

  1. You always surprise me when you express certain insecurities!!! Maybe because I look at you as such a strong person that is a hippie going with the flow. I think it's awesome that your friends support your great time of rock n roll!!!! Wish I could have gone :( can't wait to hear all about it!!!! That is......after your hang over has worn off!!!! Did you do the water between each beer??? yah, I didn't think so.
    love you!
