Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Random Thoughts of the Day

I have to many cucumbers

I need to make hummingbird food.  Why can't I have their energy and metabolism? 

Wondering if my bestie actually bungie jumped or chickened out?

"The Campaign" is damn hilarioius!

Hoping and praying Mike's birth certificate gets here soon!  I really want to go to Ireland!

Excited to attend my first GJ Rockies game Thursday evening.

Don't have the energy to blog any longer................Buh Bye!

1 comment:

  1. lol!!! love the random!!!!
    i gotta see the campaign...looks great!
    luckily i didn't have to chicken out of bungie because my younger shithead went with the older shithead. now regretting not going....they said it was great!

    i miss you :( i should be having face to face girls night with you instead of talking to you on your bloggie!
