Saturday, June 19, 2010

At what point in our lives do we become dysfunctional?  How did we manage to take a wrong turn and end up at the crossroads of Majorly Effed Up and Crazy????   Is it a learned trait? Is it in our D.N.A.? Or is it simply a choice?  Did you wake up one morning and decide you want to affect people in a negative way with your stupidity and lack of respect for others?

I have tried to teach my children to be mature in their decision making and to be respectful to those around them. I tell them be assertive when the situation requires it. Trust me they have that skill down to a "T" but when they see you  acting less mature than they, its pretty damn hard to expalin to them why you behave they way you do!

So to all the idiots, dumbasses, bitches, whores, prick, dicks and crazies...please seek professional help and grow the "F" up for your sake, the sake of your children and for the sake of this good nation!

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!!

    but what has brought THIS topic on?!?!?!

    p.s. Happy Father's Day to Mike :)
