Friday, July 2, 2010

We May Not Be As Country As Most But We Are Country Enough

     This small family had traveled up from Texas and were staying in the cabin next to us in Lake City.  The wife was from Texas and the husband was originally from San Francisco.  The wife shared with us that she had planned this trip for their 13 yr. old son.  She wanted him to see where she had traveled in her youth and it was quite obvious the husband was less than thrilled.  He wanted to know where all the concrete was.  Dirt roads were an oddity to him and he was quite concerned about his crossbred Volvo but leave it to my husband....."eh that thing is meant to go off road," he said.  Needless to say they rented a $200 dollar a day jeep to do their sight seeing in.
    The young boy knew nothing about fishing and mama was determined to teach him how to fish.  So while mama commenced to teaching junior the proper fishing techniques, daddy stayed in the cabin.  Not to long into mama's fishing lesson, Jaxson's rescuing services were required.  After Jax saved the day, he began to share with the mother and son the wealth of his knowledge that he, my little twelve year old possess about fishing .  Later in the evening the woman approached Mike and I and told us how impressed she was with Jaxson and once again I was reminded how I should never underestimate my children.
     I forget how foreign the mountains and backwoods can be to someone who grew up in the hustle and bustle of city life and how they are not used to dirt, campfires, wildlife and loud mouth rednecks such as ourselves.  
     Mike says once we perfect the distilling of "moonshine" is when we will truly become country folk but until then we are proud to be country bumpkins from Western Colorado who have raised their children to be country.  In the words of Ole Hank, "country boys can survive"!

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