Saturday, June 26, 2010

Enjoying Jack and the Jam.....

Day One

It's always a good time with Jack.  Jack makes me smile.  I'm a pretty good dancer(so I think) when I'm with Jack.  I invited some of Jacks friends, Sky and Bud to party with us but in the morning they weren't very nice to Monica and I.

Day Two

Once again, Jack and I were enjoying ourselves.  Soaking up the sun and enjoying some crummy LeAnn Wolmac!  I didn't really mind since Jack was with me but Jack had to leave later that evening which was a good thing because I would have not been happy with him this morning!


  1. for some reason I cant stop staring at the tree trunks behind us...oh did I just say that out loud?! UGH really Amie?

  2. Cool blog. Its Monica and me or me and Monica, not Monica and I. Sorry I am a critic. Monica says hi. John

  3. Is that Tauna behind you two? Man she got fat. LOL


  4. Now Monica is mad at me for critiquing your writing.


  5. Lol...Mon I knew you find something negative to say. John thinks those tree trunks are sexy! Don't ya John??? Because of your critiquing I now have to edit my post. Damn you!!!
